It's Giving Tuesday!

This year, we thought we would jump on the wagon and promote Giving Tuesday.
One of our favourite local charities is Free Play for Kids in Edmonton. This organization was founded over ten years ago by Tim Adams, who had a dream of engaging disadvantaged kids in s (then soccer) in an after-school program. Since then, it has grown and matured into something far bigger than a free-footie after-school program and now involves multiple sports and even o food security to families in need during the first covid lockdown.
While Transcend has supported and continues to support this worthy effort, we thought we would have a little fun with this and try to get more people involved.
As such, we created a product where you can buy a donation (to be made in your name) to Free Play for Kids, and as an added bonus, you get a free lunch and visit with our founder Poul Mark.
We know that current restrictions on d out in Alberta complicate this right now; also know that d out in good local establishments will be back in play before you know it. So don't let the current situation prevent you from supporting a great organization or taking advantage of our willingness to buy you lunch.
Make a Donation Today and get a Free Lunch.
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